C program to find sum of diagonal elements in a matrix

By : Milon
On : 12:22 AM

Row-major order and Column-major order: In computing, row-major order and column-major order describe methods for arranging multidimensional arrays in linear storage such as memory. The difference is simply that in row-major order, consecutive elements of the rows of the array are contiguous in memory; in column-major order, consecutive elements of the columns are contiguous.(Wiki)

C Supports Row-major order: That means if we represents a two dimensional matrix in C, At first It will traverse the first row then second row and so on.

Square Matrix: We know that square matrix is a matrix whose ROW and COLUMN are equal. If a square matrix of size n then ROW = COLUMN = n. Now see a square matrix. On which we will manipulate the main diagonal elements, elements above main diagonal, elements bellow the main diagonal.

two dimensional matrix in c

From the above image we can see that the indexes of all the diagonal elements follow a general rule, that is ROW = COLUMN, here [00], [11], [22] and [33].

Above the main diagonal we have [01], [02], [03], [12], [13] and [23]. Now notice carefully that, all these indexes follows ROW < COLUMN.

Now we have those elements which are bellow the main diagonal these are, [10], [20], [21], [30], [31], and [32]. in these case ROW > COLUMN. Now lets start with code……

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    int mat[10][10], array_size, row=0, col=0, diagonalSum=0, aboveSum=0, bellowSum=0;

    printf("Enter the array size\n");
    printf("Enter the elements of matrix\n");

        for(col = 0;col<array_size;col++){
            printf("Enter the element at [%d%d] : ",row,col);

    // Sum of diagonal element ROW = COLUMN
    printf("The diagonal elements are \t");
        for(col = 0;col<array_size;col++){
                printf(" %d, ",mat[row][col]);
                diagonalSum += mat[row][col];

    printf("\nAnd the sum is %d\n\n",diagonalSum);

    // Sum of elements above diagonal  ROW < COLUMN
    printf("The elements above diagonal are \t");
        for(col = 0;col<array_size;col++){
                printf(" %d, ",mat[row][col]);
                aboveSum += mat[row][col];

    printf("\nAnd the sum is %d\n\n",aboveSum);

    // Sum of elements bellow diagonal  ROW > COLUMN
    printf("The elements bellow diagonal \t");
        for(col = 0;col<array_size;col++){
                printf(" %d, ",mat[row][col]);
                bellowSum += mat[row][col];

    printf("\nAnd the sum is %d\n\n",bellowSum);

    return 0;